I have four more days with students and then the current school year is over. It seems this year flew by. But no matter how fast I think this school year went, the summer will go much faster.
What are your plans for the summer? I have plans to relax, enjoy my family, vacation at the beach, and read books for fun. I also plan to clean my house from top to bottom and accomplish all those tasks I never have time for during the school year. And like many teachers, I plan to take steps to educate myself and prepare for the coming year.
This summer I am going to one librarian conference, Camp TASL. This is a new one and I'm looking forward to what it has in store for me. I am also presenting at a Technology Academy. I have two sessions on Free Apps for the Elementary Classroom and one Session on SMART Exchange. I'm still working on my presentations, but when they are finished I will share them with you.
I would love to hear about your plans for the summer!